Margaret, Rachel, Christina,
Catherine and Finlay McLean
Siblings of Norman McLean
Note: 'Unknown' dates for deaths apply largely because I've not go to them looking up yet, I'll get to them and put them on here soon (maybe!)
Margaret McLean b. abt 1834,
d. 1915 age 80 in Footscray, Victoria
m. 1859
Robert Whiteside* d. unknown
Jane Whiteside | 1861 Sp'field (?) | Unknown |
Jesse Whiteside | 1862 Rochford | Unknown |
Mary Whiteside | 1864 Rochford | Unknown |
George Whiteside | 1866 Lancefield | 1888 Footscray |
Margaret Whiteside | 1869 Lancefield | 1870 |
Roderick McLean Whiteside
Mar. Jessie Agnes Steele 1892 son George Roderick Whiteside born Echuca 1900, died Echuca 1900 |
1871 'Rich' (Rochford?) | Unkown |
* It is worth noting for anyone who comes
looking for him that Neil Whiteside McLean who married Jibella (or
McKinnon in 1853 is NOT a direct member of
this family, being from the same generation as Margaret and Robert, however,
it seems too much a coincidence to rule out
a link between the two families - perhaps a relative of Margaret's and
relative of Robert's were Neil's family?
It's also significant that the name 'Neil' kept cropping up in future generations,
but there were no Neil's among Roderick and
Mary's children... I'm working on it! It is likely that Sibella was the
'Isabella McKinnon' who came to Australia
in single women's quarters on board the ship Flora McDonald in 1852.
Rachel McLean b. abt 1836, d.
1904 age 65 in Gisborne, Victoria
m. 1865
David Junor b. abt 1824, d.
1893 age 69 in Kyneton Hospital, Victoria (photo below)
Donald Junor married Jesie Stewart in Lancefield 1905 | 17 March 1866 Lancefield | 24 Sept 1958 |
Mary Junor married Charles Nicholas Stapleton Gisborne 1893 | 12 Feb 1868 Gisborne | 1931 |
Roderick Junor married Alice Elizabeth Jane Frances Lock in Gisborne 1898, son Claude Roderick George b. 1899 d. 1902 | 24 April 1870 Gisborne | 14 Jan 1899 Flemington (note Rod died one year after marriage, then son Claude died age 3. Poor Alice! |
Rachel Junor | 17 June 1872 Gisborne | 8 July 1872 Gisborne |
Thomas Hamilton Junor | 24 Aug 1873 Gisborne | 25 Jan 1846 |
David Riddell Junor | 29 Aug 1875 Gisborne | 3 April 1877 Gisborne |
Maragret (sic) Louisa Junor
married George Frederick Metson in Gisborne 1915 |
3 June 1879 Gisborne | Unknown |
Lawrence of Arabia
There's quite a tale I've dug up of Rachel
marrying into Lawrence of Arabia's family. David's grandfather, another
married David's grandmother Janet Reid.
He also appears to have married and had a child with one Catherine Ross,
or Rose.
Both families have this David being the
son of Donald Junor born in Avoch, Ross and Cromarty in 1743. I'm not
convinced, I believe it more likely given
the dates involved that the 'David' mentioned in the TE Lawrence family
is Donald's brother David, born
in 1755 - if he was David son of Donald - he was a bigamist with two distinct
David and Catharine's son George, born
1797, (known as Junner) married a woman named Simonia Somervil Bissat Wilkes.
Their daughter Elizabeth, born 1828, was
a servant in the house of Thomas and Sarah Lawrence, and had an affair,
and an illegitimate child, with their
son John. Their daughter Sarah Junner, born 1861, in her turn, had an affair
with one Thomas
Chapman, a wealthy landowner and Baronet.
She was working as a nanny for Thomas and his wife Edith in Ireland. Thomas
installed the 'pretty blonde haired nanny'
in a house in Dublin where she had a son, Montagu Robert, in 1885.
Edith found out,
but refused to give Thomas the divorce
he wanted, so he left Edith and began living, posing as respectable married
man, with
Sarah. The two used her father's name
of 'Lawrence'. They had five children. Thomas Edward born in 1888 - later
known as
Lawrence of Arabia, was the second of
their five sons.
So. That makes David Junor's grandfather - or great uncle - also the great great grandfather of Lawrence of Arabia.
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Left to right: Donald and David Junor,
great grandsons of Donald of Avoch, TE Lawrence, gg grandson (or gg nephew!)
of Donald
of Avoch. Although they're a number of
times removed, there's a clear family resemblance, particularly around
eyes, and between Ned and David, the same
nose, mouth and hair - they even have the same cowlick!
Many thanks to Margaret Jones for the use of the above photo's of Donald and David.
For more information on the Junor family,
see Margaret Jones excellent site here
For the story of Lawrence of Arabia's
connection to the Junors, see here
TE Lawrence's family tree up to David
may be found
Christina McLean b. abt 1837,
d. 1859.
Catherine McLean b. abt 1838,
d. 1905 Maroopna, Victoria
m. 1855
Walter Langdon Edwards, d.
Albert Edwards
Ernest Edwards Amberena Rose Edwards Absence Rose Edwards Louisa Murrell Edwards |
1870 'Gold'
1873 Nth Lancefield 1875 'Gold' 1877 Toolamba 1880 Toolamba |
Unknown 1876 Lancefield Unknown Unknown |
Finlay McLean b. abt 1843, d.
m. 12 April 1867
Ann Holden, d. 1918
Roderick Lewis Mary Ann Neal Finlay |
1869 in Romsey 1872 in Lancefield 1874 in Nth Lancefield |
Unknown Unknown Unknown |
Family of Norman and Sarah (Kennedy) McLean
Family of Norman and Lucy Jane (Silk) McLean